Health and diseaes class 8Health and diseaes class 8

Health and diseaes class 8


Health and diseaes class 8

(1) Cancer is the uncontrolled and abnormal
growth of the cells. When there is loss
control on the cell division, then the
cells keep on dividing and growing. This
makes formation of lump of cancerous
cells. Commonly it is known as tumour.
Sometimes the tumour is said to be
malignant. In such case person is said to
be cancer patient. Any tissue or organ of
the body can develop cancer. E.g. lungs,
mouth, tongue, breast and uterus and
cervix in females. Even the blood or skin
can get cancer.
(2) Causes :
• Consumption of carcinogenic
substances (substances that cause
cancer) such as tobacco, gutkha.
• Cigarette smoking, consuming alcohol
• Eating junk food such as pizza, burger,
etc. and not taking enough fibre
content in the form of fruits and leafy
vegetables in food.
• Due to cancer genes, i.e. due to
hereditary reasons.
(3) Symptoms :
• Weight loss without any apparent (1
• Chronic cough that does not get cured
• Hoarse voice and
and difficulty in
• Incurable scar that does not get healed.
Inflammation that persists for long time. (2
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(4) Modern
diagnostics : Following
techniques are used for the diagnosis of
cancer :
• Tissue diagnostics
• CT scan
• MRI scan
• Biopsy
(5) Treatment of cancer :
• Chemotherapy
• Radiation therapy
• Surgery
• Robotic surgery
• Laparoscopic surgery
(6) Preventive and control measures of
Cancer :
• Control over diet
• Physical exercise
• Never to consume tobacco, smoking or
JO alcoholism
 Avoiding addictions.
(B) Diabetes :
(1) In normal persons, there is secretion of
insulin hormone from the pancreas.
This hormone maintains the blood sugar
level. In case of diabetic individuals, the
secretion of insulin is either in deficiency
or it is not secreted at all.
(2) The role of insulin is to keep control
over the blood glucose level by changing
Health and diseaes class 8
the metabolism accordingly. But in case
of diabetic patients, the sugar in the
blood is never maintained in its normal
(3) Symptoms :
• Increased thirst
• Increased and frequent urination.
• More urge of urination at night.
• Uncontrolled weight gain or weight
• Feeling of fatigue.
(4) Causes :
• Heredity
• Obesity
• Lack of physical work or exercise
• Mental stress, anxiety
(5) Preventive measures/Control :
• Proper diet
• Control over consumption of
carbohydrates and fats.
• Taking proper medicines and
treatment as per doctor’s advice.
• Physical exercise and regular walking.

Health and diseaes class 8

(6) Diagnosis :
• To test the blood sugar level.
• HbA1C tests.
(7) Treatment :
Injections of insulin or tablets that
will stimulate the secretion of insulin.
• Complete control over diet.
(8) On the international level, India has
largest number of diabetic patients of
about 7 crores.
(C) Heart Diseases :
(1) When the efficiency of the heart is
reduced due to some causes, the heart
does not perform its regular work. This
causes heart disease. Continuous supply
of blood is needed for the heart muscles.
This blood provides oxygen and nutrients
to the heart. When this supply is
hindered the heart gets stressed. This
can cause heart attack. In such condition,
immediate treatment and doctor’s advice
is a must. This can save the life of a
Health and diseaes class 8
(2) Symptoms :
• Chest pain which is severe.
• Shoulder, neck and left arm pains.
• Cramp in the hand.
• Excessive perspiration.
• Uneasiness and tremors.
• Urge to defecate or urinate.
(3) Causes :
• Smoking, alcoholism.
• Diabetes.
• Hypertension.
• Obesity, Lack of physical work.
• No exercise, sedentary habits.
• Heredity.
• Mental stress, anger, anxiety.
(4) First Aid for Heart Disease
• Immediately seeking help from 108 for
calling ambulance.
• Checking whether the patient is
e conscious.
• Giving first aid of C.O.L.S. type i.e.
Compression Only Life Support.
. In this the patient is made to lie on
hard surface in horizontal position
and the pressure is given on his or her
thorax to keep the heart working.
The pressure and stroking is continued
till the doctor arrives.
(5) Diagnosis :
(1) ECG is taken to check the activity of
the heart.
(2) Complete check-up by the
(3) Few specific blood tests.
(6) Treatment:
(1) Angioplasty
(2) By-Pass surgery
(3) Open heart surgery
(4) Heart transplant
(5) Installation of stents
(6) Installation of pacemaker


Health and diseaes class 8


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